Parents » Parent Resources

Parent Resources

Regular office hours are from 7:30 am to 4 pm. However, the school is closed during the summer (June 15- July 30). Please call 474-3400 or email [email protected] or [email protected] if you need something as we are checking voicemail and email intermittently.

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Attendance: If your child is absent or will be absent please make sure to let us know. You can call the school at 805-474-3400 (leave a message if we do not answer) or email [email protected]. When informing us of an absence please make sure to provide the following:
  • Date of absence
  • Reason for absence
Bus application: Please use the following link to access the Lucia Mar USD Transportation webpage.
Chromebooks: All Mesa students will be receiving a district-issued Chromebook that students will use at school and be able to take home for use at home as well. Chromebooks will be issued at the beginning of the year.
If you are no longer attending a Lucia Mar school please email [email protected] or [email protected] to set up an appointment to return the Chromebook and charger.
If you are having trouble with your Chromebook you can contact the District helpline at 805-474-3899 or email [email protected] 
Enrollment: To enroll a new student please go here.
Once you have completed the enrollment you will need to email the students birth certificate, immunization record, and proof of residency to [email protected]
Aeries: Please complete data confirmation on Aeries. This will need to be completed prior to Aug. 13.
If you know the email that you used to sign up for Aeries but forgot your password you will need to click “forgot password”, and it will send you a password reset.
If you do not have an Aeries account or do not know the email that you used you can email [email protected] or maria.o.[email protected] or call the school at 474-3400.
ParentSquare: All email and text correspondence comes from Parent Square. Please make sure you are checking your email. 
The email that it goes to is the same email address that is for Aeries. If you need to update your email address you can email [email protected] or [email protected]
To receive emails and other notifications please make sure when you log in that General and Emergency Announcements is selected
If you turn off all notifications on Aeries you will not receive emails from Mesa. You will need to go into Aeries and click on the notifications tab to see all emails and notifications that have been sent to you.
To customize how you receive notifications you will log in to Aeries.
Click on notifications
Next to your name (right-hand corner) select the drop-down and click ‘My account’
On the right-hand side under Notification Settings, you will select ‘Customize your settings’ here  you can select if you receive text messages or for email notifications you can select if you want them sent throughout the day or just at the end of the day