Math » Math Department

Math Department

Welcome to Mesa Middle Math  
If you wish to contact your Math teacher, please use the emails listed below.
Math 7 Essential Standards:
  • Apply and extend previous understandings of operations to add, subtract, multiply, and divide integers.
  • Apply and extend previous understandings of rational numbers.
  • Use properties of operations to generate equivalent expressions.
  • Solve problems using linear equations.
  • Solve problems using linear inequalities.
  • Analyze proportional relationships.
  • Solve problems involving angles and circle relationships.
  • Solve real world problems involving percents.
Math 7 Essential Standards:
  • Apply and extend previous understandings of operations to add, subtract, multiply, and divide integers.
  • Use properties of operations to generate equivalent expressions.
  • Solve problems using linear inequalities.
  • Analyze proportional relationships.
  • Solve real world problems involving percents.
  • Solve problems involving angles and two-dimensional geometric figures.
  • Solve problems involving three-dimensional geometric figures.
  • Analyze and identify properties of linear relationships.
  • Evaluate and simplify expressions using operations with real numbers and Pythagorean Theorem


Math 8 Essential Standards
  • Simplify algebraic expressions
  • Analyze and solve linear equations
  • Identify functions by analyzing graphs, tables, and ordered pairs and translate between forms of relations
  • Analyze linear patterns
  • Analyze, graph and write linear equations  
  • Analyze and evaluate rational numbers
  • Apply basic rules of exponents (in isolation not compounded)
  • Apply the Pythagorean Theorem to find missing measurements in a right triangle.
Algebra Essential Standards
  • Analyze and solve linear equations.
  • Recognize and interpret functional relations.
  • Analyze, write and graph linear functions.
  • Solve systems of equations.
  • Use properties of exponents to simplify expressions.
  • Analyze Polynomials
  • Factor Polynomials
  • Analyze and Graph Quadratics
  • Analyze and Evaluate Rational Numbers
  • Apply the Pythagorean Theorem to find missing measurements in a right triangle.
Math Information and Policies
When and How to Get Help
7th Grade: When and how to get help: Please schedule a time to meet with your teacher for help. This time can be before school, during break, during lunch, or after school. Asking questions during class time when you are confused or unsure how to proceed is a great way to advocate for yourself.  
Mr. Logue: Available to help any day before school from 7:30-8 am, at lunch, and by appointment.
Mr. Nespor: I am always available to help students! If you are looking for additional help with anything going on in our class please come see me anytime during the day in room 303. I will always be in my room during break, just give me a heads up so I can make sure I am available for you during a lunch period!
Makeup Work
7th Grade:
Make-Up Work Policy: Students are responsible for all assignments that they missed due to being absent. Students should check Google Classroom for material that was assigned while they were absent, and get any handouts from the assignment folder in class.
Mr. Logue: Students may redo, and sometimes, will be required to redo summative assessments. Before redoing any assessment students will be asked to analyze their assessment and perform corrections for missed questions.
Mr. Nespor: We get it, things come up! You can turn in any missing or late assignments for credit up until the end of each Unit. After the end of a Unit there is still opportunity to turn in missing work for partial credit. If a student misses a Summative Assessment (Unit Test) they will take the test the next class period. Unit Tests can be made up if student completes the provided reflection page (see syllabus)
Grading Policies
7th Grade: Students grades are calculated based on the following categories: Skills: Homework, Group Tests, Participation (15%) Formative Assessments: Classwork, Projects, Quizzes, CFAs (25%) Summative Assessments: Unit Tests, Final Exam (60%)
Math 8:  Building Blocks to Proficiency (BPP)= 15%, Formative Assessments= 25%, Summative Assessments= 60%
Algebra: 70% Assessments (Unit tests, Quizzes) and 30% Building Blocks to Proficiency (Weekly Checks for Understanding, Homework, Etc.). This reflects the gradebook categories at Nipomo High School for best preparation.
Contact Information
7th Grade
The best way to contact us is via email or a message on ParentSquare. Our emails are as follows:
Ms.Howell: [email protected]
Mr. Sandoval: [email protected]
8th Grade
Mr. Nespor: [email protected]
Link to Syllabus