Language » English Language Arts

English Language Arts

Welcome to Mesa Middle School English Language Arts  
If you wish to contact your Physical Education Teacher, please use the emails listed below.

7th Grade ELA Essential Standards:

  • I will make inferences drawn from the text and my citations.
  • I will write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence.
  • I will use context (e.g., the overall meaning of a sentence or paragraph; a word's position or function in a sentence) as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase.
  • I will demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. I will cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says.
8th Grade ELA Essential Standards
  • I can determine the meaning of figurative language (simile, metaphor, foreshadowing, personification, etc, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings).
  • I can identify a claim and write a claim (and support it with clear reasons and relevant evidence).
  • I can cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says.
  • I can demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing and speaking.
  • I can produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
  • By the end of the year, I should be able to read and comprehend literature.
ELA Information and Policies
When and How to Get Help
Mr. Slater: If you are not getting the grade you desire, it is usually because there are missing assignments. Solution? Go to the yellow wall and find the assignment you're missing and complete it. Quizzes can be arranged to be made up during break or lunch under teacher supervision.
Mr. Osterbauer: You can always find me in room 10 at break, lunch, and after school. Please come by if you have questions, need help, missed class, or if you just want to chat. You can also email me if you want to set up an appointment.
Ms. Phillips: The best way to reach me is through email during regular school hours and phone from 2:30-3:15pm. My email address is [email protected] and my phone number is 805-474-3400 ext. 4103.
Mr. Carlson: If a student is absent from class, it will always be his/her responsibility to find out what was missed and work to complete any outstanding assignments.  The best place to start is by reviewing the Homework Board when you get back to class.  Then, talk to someone.  Check in with a classmate(s), ask them if they can explain things, if they will show you their work, etc.  Finally, of course, you can always talk to your teacher, or even contact him by email or ParentSquare before returning to class.y, do not hesitate to come talk to me anytime and anywhere you see me on campus! Best way to contact is by email or ParentSquare.
Ms. Carabantes Perez: Email to schedule a time to get help.
Makeup Work
Mr. Slater: When you get back to school, copy someone's class agenda and figure out what you missed. Then go to the yellow wall and get your missing work. Then read it. Ask questions to peers and/or the teacher and then complete your work in a timely fashion. Turn it in. After a week is over, all extra papers get put in file folders on the yellow wall. Students have access to those daily.
Mr. Osterbauer: Late assignments are frowned upon.  But, I understand that students fall behind or choose other priorities to focus on occasion.  Most assignments will be allowed to be turned in until the end of each semester.  Note:  A few assignments are time sensitive and cannot be made up.  Late work will be accepted, but will only receive a grade of a “C” at best.
Ms. Phillips: You can turn in work up to two weeks late for partial credit. You will need to email Ms. Phillips and explain what assignment you have turned in so that she knows to grade it. If you have an excused absence, you will have one week from your absence to turn in the assignment for full credit.
Ms. Carabantes Perez: The goal is to move forward in our proficiency, if you are absent, it is your responsibility to check the absent bin, our Google class, or ask a friend what you missed, and make it up as soon as possible. Be on time! 3 tardies make up 1 absence. Retakes: you may retake any formative assessment scored below 70%. Email to schedule a time.
Grading Policies
Ms. Phillips: Assignments (Classwork)= 40%, Assessments (Quizzes, Tests, Essays, Projects)= 40%, Agency (Participation)= 20%
Mr. Osterbauer: Tests, Quizzes, and Essays= 40%, Classwork= 30%, Participation= 20%, Homework= 10%
Ms. Carabantes Perez: Assignments= 50%, Participation= 35%, Assessments & Projects= 20%
Mr. Carlson: Grades will be assigned based on a point system. You will earn points by completing such things as: classwork, homework, essays, quizzes, and tests. There might also be other projects or extra credit assignments in which points can be earned as well. The grades will be a total of all points earned with regard to assignments, assessments, and any additional projects and/or extra credit.
Contact Information
7th Grade
Ms. Phillips: [email protected]
Mr. Osterbauer: [email protected]
8th Grade
Mr. Carlson: [email protected]
Mr. Slater: [email protected]
Ms. Carabantes Perez: [email protected]
Link to Syllabus