Electives » Mesa Electives

Mesa Electives

Welcome to Mesa Electives. We are happy to offer several enriching courses at Mesa help prepare students for college and career as well as teach life long lessons and skills. Along with academic support classes, our electives include:

7th Grade Electives

7th Grade students mostly participate in the "Wheel". This means that most 7th grade students will have a sample elective for about 10 weeks (1 quarter). Some students will be allowed to enroll in a 7th/8th grade elective. Students can only get into those classes by application or teacher approval. Applications are given to students when they are in 6th grade. Below are the classes:

7th Grade Wheel

Electives available through application/teacher approval:

ASB (application)

AVID Syllabus

Drama (application)

Band (approval from the Band teacher)

Note: Classes such as Math Support, ELA Support, English Language Development, and Academic Seminar will take the place of an elective

8th Grade Electives

8th Grade students will complete a survey in their 7th grade year ranking their preference for the following electives. Each elective is a semester long course. Some electives require an application or teacher approval. Below are the classes:


Art (Syllabus)

Band (approval from Band teacher)

Drama (yearlong)

Digital Media Arts

Maker (Syllabus)



Electives available through application/teacher recommendation:

ASB (application)

AVID (Syllabus)

Band (teacher recommendation from the Band teacher)

Note: Classes such as Math Support, ELA Support, and English Language Development will take the place of an elective.

Mr. Alarcio- Maker Class

Mr. Barcus- Band & Music 

Ms. Carabantes Perez- Spanish

Mrs. Geyer- Drama

Mr. Hall- AVID 8th

Mr. Lindgren- Weightlifting

Mr. Logue- Digital Media Arts/Yearbook

Ms. Moustirats- Art

Ms. Mosley- AVID 7th

Ms. Personius- ASB

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Elective Policies

When and How to Get Help?

Students can come and see me to get help during break every day except for Thursdays. 

Makeup Work:

If the student has been absent, it is their responsibility to find out about what they missed. They may be asked to finish their art project within the next few days in class or at home. 

Grading Policy:

A:100-90; B: 89-80: C: 79-71; D; 70, F: 69 and below

Students earn points based on the following: Cumulative work of the Portfolio/Classwork and Studio Habits points for each week. 

Each art project will be evaluated based on a RUBRIC. The criteria used for evaluation includes 1. Meets requirements 2. Craftsmanship/ Effort 3. Developing Skills. The specifics of each category will be discussed before each project begins.

Contact Information

Please email me if you have any questions or concerns.


When and How to Get Help?

Students should be proactive and get in touch with the AVID teachers as soon as they need help. Email is the best way.

Makeup Work:

If the student has been absent, it is their responsibility to find out about what they missed. 

Grading Policy:

Classwork= 25%, Collaboration= 25%, Projects= 25%, Learning Log= 25%

Contact Information

Please email the teachers if you have any questions or concerns.


When and How to Get Help?

Email to schedule a time to get help.

Makeup Work:

The goal is to move forward in our proficiency, if you are absent, it is your responsibility to check the absent bin, our Google class, or ask a friend what you missed, and make it up as soon as possible. Be on time! 3 tardies make up 1 absence. Retakes: you may retake any formative assessment scored below 70%. Email to schedule a time.

Grading Policy:

Assignments= 50%, Participation= 35%, Assessments & Projects= 20%

Contact Information

Please email the teacher if you have any questions or concerns.